Great Sunday

I had a lovely day today.

The puppy - Charlie - is lovely, but really, really, really hard work. Way harder than I thought, and I had been warned and warned, and really thought I was prepared for the worst.

Anyway, I've been really concentrating on him for the past few days. He needs constant attention when he is awake. It's paying off in that the housetraining whilst not in any way cracked is certainly well under way. However, it means I haven't been out on my bike for a week, I've seen no one and gone nowhere which is not like me at all, and its been difficult. I can't wait till I can take him out for walks.

Anyway, today Chris took charge and Betsy and I went out for a really long cycle around the park. It was beautiful and sunny and just lovely.

The park is waterlogged in lots of places and it will take months for it to dry out. It was lovely to be outside. When we got back Chris and Al were clearing up the garden so we were all outside all morning. The sun was shining and for the first time this year that spring is possible.

My mum came for lunch and afterwards we played scrabble.

A really lovely day.

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