Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Peeling paint

Everyone loves a bit of peeling paint, right?

We went off to buy seed compost and other stuff this morning, then picked up Gemma from her friend's house and we all came home for lunch.

Yup: seed compost: it's one of the first signs of spring. <-- Can you do that double thing with colons?

It felt like the beginning of spring today: bright and warm and just generally lovely. I guess it's that thing that winter does for a laugh: plonk a bit of loveliness in front of us and then say "Nah - you can't have it!" We will have rubbish weather again now. I know this now.
That's the voice of age and experience.

After lunch we went along the board walk to Crow Point, where every man with his 1.4 dogs was having the same idea.

We've just started watching the film RED - apparently it's an "American action comedy film" - It's not making me laugh. In fact I think we've just decided to give up. I give films I don't think I'll like a chance every now and then because I don't think you can base an opinion on nothing. It's yet another one of those films where an ageing actor has a relationship with a woman young enough to be his daughter. That always winds me up.

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