
A much better night.
Tears around 11pm but quickly combated with teething gel and granules! Take that teething monster!

Daddy and Charlotte headed down stairs I had a cheeky 30 minutes doze but then made breakfast so no one could complain.

Decided to go to Wickes! exciting. Very bizarre going the wrong way into Worcester but very interesting to see the flooding. On the way back we stopped and parked up. The top pictures are where a well known restaurant is, currently engulfed in water and also the bridge. The scale of the flooding was quite staggering, even more so when you consider it has gone down quite a bit.

Utter disaster on way home, Charlotte fell asleep in the car! I tried valiantly to get her into the house and up to bed for a sleep but it all went wrong. She woke and ate her lunch then point blank, utter refusal to have a sleep.

Grandma arrived so we played outside in the garden enjoying the blue and yellow things in the sky. Charlotte decided going head first down her slide was a sensible option!

Katie and Lucy came over, Charlotte had to have several time outs as she wasn't particularly nice to Lucy- mortified doesn't come into it. Yes she was tired but ......

Bath bed asleep by 7:03!
Fingers crossed she sleeps very well tonight!

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