Pier-ing from above

My friend Lorraine and her daughter Emily arrived at lunch time today - they're staying until Thursday as it's the half term holiday from school. So I spent the morning cleaning and getting ready for them, my online food shop was delivered, and I just had time to top up the bird feeders before they arrived.

Once they'd unpacked, we had lunch and then got the bus into Brighton and took Emily on the Brighton Eye where I took this photo looking down on the Pier. We then had a walk on the Pier so Emily could go on some rides, and afterwards we went into town and had a drink at Cafe Rouge before catching the bus home.

In other news, I'm trying to arrange a dog walker for Louis once I start work, and there's a local company who will come and pick him up each afternoon and take him out for an hour's walk with other dogs. I've got to call them back tomorrow and arrange for them to come round to our house to meet him, and I've said I'd like to go out with them for a walk so that Louis can get used to them whilst I'm with him. Fingers crossed it works out ok.

Anyway, Lorraine's bought a bottle of Prosecco for us to share and it would be rude to refuse, even though it is Monday :-) Hope you've had a good start to the week too!

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