Cyril the Squirrel

We've had a lovely day today which started with a visit to the Sea Life Centre, followed by lunch at Jamie's Italian and then we went into town to do a bit of shopping. I'd taken a little bag of nuts with me and before we came home we went into the Royal Pavilion gardens so that Emily could feed the squirrels.

This little chap was very confident and came straight over to us and jumped up onto the fence. Emily gave him some nuts but she was a bit wary of him, so I fed him and he was happily eating out of my hand - he even stood on his back legs and was pawing at my hand for some more. I wondered if it might have been Bert, but apparently it's Cyril!

I've now got a start date of 5th March for my new job, and I spoke to the dog walker this morning who's coming round to see us on Thursday. The good news is that Alan's spoken to his Boss today, and he's happy for him to work from home three half days a week so we'll only need the dog walker for two days.

Anyway, I'd better go and see to our visitors - apologies if I get behind on commenting over the next couple of day, I'll catch up as soon as I can.

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