Glorious sunny day today, and warm, once I'd scraped the ice off the windscreen with a loyalty card I no longer feel very loyal about. Morning in the school office setting my fears to rest by sharing troubles. Well, actually just spreading troubles around so that probably no-one will sleep tonight. But that feels better already. I did feel bad that when I said to the Head - who had told me the thing that was keeping me awake - that I hadn't slept since Friday, and she said she hadn't slept since October because of it... (Which just makes me even madder about how long we've all been kept in the dark when we could have done something to stop it.) Anyway, enough of all that: the scary thing is now not 100% certain to happen, but more like 95%. Which is better.
All that means I still have to prepare reams of different ways of presenting the accounts so the board can choose on Wednesday what we eventually use. Tedious.
But the afternoon was too sunny for all that, and for all the other dull indoor jobs I have to do. The rest of the week is set to be what I think they politely call 'unsettled', so I took advantage of this brief spring and headed outdoors and strimmed the grass (still really too damp, but needs must), raked moss, cleared weeds in the veg garden (and some not weeds - carrots hiding in a corner no less!) and tore great armfuls of brambles out of the borders. In truth, the armfuls were great only in the quantitative sense - given having my forearms pinpricked with thorns is not great at all.
Now I will aim for a restful sleep. And try and ignore the lurking feeling that I've upset someone I don't want to upset and I don't know what to do about it. Hopefully it's just lack of sleep turning me a bit daft and oversensitive....
Anyway, of all the shots I took today of dainty spring flowers, I liked this slightly blurry one the best. These are always the very first flowers to come out here. I didn't plant them, and they inconveniently pop up in the middle of the terrace, but they are my equivalent of snowdrops (since I haven't yet got them to grow here) so they will do very nicely for me.
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