A Bouquet of Barbed Wire

I have vague memories of a program with that title being on the TV when I was in my mid teens. Didn't care enough to Google it, just thought it made a nice title:-)

Technique challenge Close Up (not really Macro) and I didn't have the energy to try and make it fit DDW's alphabet challenge unless I am allowed to have Q is for I Quit today?

The bacon and onion suet pudding went down a treat last night. Buoyed by my success, I am planning a sausage pasta dish tonight that contains crushed fennel seeds and crushed dried chilies. Can I make it 2 successful meals in a row or am I pushing my luck?

The patient is now on antibiotics. Out of bed during the day, but tired and still suffering from occasional dizziness and nausea.

I think I am in the bad books with the sister/brother in law. They were chatting with the children on whatsapp yesterday and Sue mentioned their 25th anniversary this year. I pointed out that they may have known each other for 25 years, but they only got married 5 years ago, so it is their 5th wedding anniversary not their 25th. I think we will have to agree to differ on this one, but I know what number my card to them will have on the front :-)

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