Time on my hands

Inspired by a recent comment by Spilmah and my wildcard for week 3 of the technique challenge. A composite made of just 2 pictures, my hand and the watch. Watch face was selected, copied and pasted over my hand and re-sized/re-positioned. Added a bevel so that it looks inset. Watch winder was similarly selected and pasted over the picture of my hand and a shadow added just under the bottom edge so it looked like it was really there.

For DDW's alphabet challenge, R is for Retro, quite a trend in the watch business these days, this watch being a homage to the Tudor Sub Snowflake of yesteryear.

Sausage and pasta went down a treat last night. It is amazing to see how willing he is to try unfamiliar food. He does ask many questions about what I am cooking but then tucks in and so far at least has enjoyed it. A change from a couple of years ago when at best he would taste a little before declaring that he didn't like it, something he had convinced himself of from the outset.

Whilst preparing this picture, I noticed my mini tripod on the desk. It looked so human and having recently read an update on the blade runner case, I was reminded of the paralympics. So ..... this is the resulting picture. Mo Farah takes on the blade runner.

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