When a girl gotta twirl

4years 120days

When choosing her clothes today, Katie started with her tights. She built the outfit up around them. She ended with this pink tutu concoction. This dress always makes her twirl. Always. And she often teams it with the bright orange Lyra-got shoes.

She rode her bike to nursery- we were up reasonably early and out quite quickly so I thought we would be some of the first at nursery, but there were quite a few children there already.

Granny and Grandad are coming for tea. We of course look forward to every visit but Mummy is excited because they are bringing a bag of Australian handmade purchases I made, brought back by my bestie's mum this weekend. There's some super cute stuff for Katie and pretties for my studio babies too. I also collected a "Brave" dressing up outfit for Katie today so she will be a happy bunny when she comes home.

Edit: when I picked her up today, Lesley said that Katie spent most of the day leading her friends in dancing to her favourite CD. She said all the children really love it and Katie has a lot of fun leading the dances. She also said that Katie in the middle of the day decided to carry her bag around and change various bits of her outfit. Including her headband. She passed the old one to Lesley who was encouraged to wear it. And did so quite willingly so it seems. I get the feeling sometimes that Katie has her preschool round her little finger!

PS 1400 blips today!

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