Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Day 5 - water troubles

The day was filled with DIY, changing locks, unpacking, cleaning and the general jobs that needed done in the hosue. By 4pm we were both out of mobile power so we headed to the old flat to continue packing boxes and gather up a few more bits. We got back with the essentials (half the contents of our food cupboard) and I gave them homes.

As I cleaned the bathroom, what was a dripping tap became a constant flow, knowing we couldn't do anything about it unless the water was turned off, we played "hunt the water stopcock" thinking if we could turn the water off overnight at least we wouldn't have to hear it running while we tried to sleep. Well, we managed to stop the bathroom water (none of the rest though) via a process of elimination turning the 4 taps in the water cupboard. Unfortunatley though as the tank refilled the pipes started vibrating and banging really loudly, at about 10pm at night! Finally got it sorted but the tap's still leaking.

Seriously though, who decides to put a water header tank in a bedroom?! Any time water runs you hear the tank refilling!

Backblipped to Saturday

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