at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Nipple confusion...

Ivy having a sneaky wee nibble on her Daddie's nose...

Euan off school today so it was rather like a weekend. We went for a walk up to the allotment, and then went and had soup and sandwiches in the village hall, where Ivy discovered the musical joy of hitting a spoon off a mug.

We were babysitting for Elseanne this afternoon. She was dropped off at her house and for a while we had all the fun of two babies- at one point Euan appeared in the kitchen, where I was cooking dinner (I just want it in writing that I do cook sometimes) a baby in each arm and said "they both seem to want to be cuddled, this could be problematic"- It's a good thing we didn't have twins :) Euan then took Elseanne back to her own house for her bedtime and for the first time in a very long time I gave Ivy her bedtime bath. She was very pleased- there were excited arms flailing all over the place. :)

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