Isamilo Lodge

Lazy morning. I spent a large part of it sitting in the shade, eating mangos and uploading pictures to Facebook. It was a slow process on my Blackberry - I have finally fallen out of love with it - I can't get Blip to work at all. On the upside, Mwanza has 3G wall to wall!

After lunch - fried tilapia, mashed tatties, and tomato salad, proper fusion food - we went ot one of the ever increasing number of local hotels which have swimming pools. There we met a Dutch lady, and her parents. Hetty is a VSO in Mwanza!! I was a VSO from 2001 - 2003, and when I left VSO pulled out of Mwanza (I like to think the two were not related). But now they are back - it was lovely, we spent a good few hours comparing notes, putting the world to rights. I felt quite envious for a while, but my life is different now, thanks to the spell I did all those years ago, and, while the volunteer lifestyle is very attractive, I'm not sure how it works as a long term stratey - maybe if Diane in Malawi is reading this, she can say?

So the sun went down, the lasses finally came out of the pool, we said goodby, and went and had tandoori chicken at our favourite pavement cafe.

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