
It took a long time, then I didn't have enough, then I had a good time and then it took forever.

I went to get my hair done this morning, "So what are we doing today?" "Colour and a cut please," "Hmmm it's looking bit shapeless, are you growing it or..." "I don't know...I'll leave it in your hands." Thank goodness Sarah didn't go wild as I gave her free reign ha ha ha. It was a good day to go in the salon as Kenneth was there for a few hours. Kenneth is a product rep and he likes to spend the odd days in salons so that he can inform staff on his range of products. Kenneth likes to put treatments on hair....lovely! Kenneth likes to give a head, neck and shoulder massage...heavenly! I hope Kenneth is there for every appointment I have.

They were low on staff and with the extra treatments I was in the hairdressers for much longer than usual. It is Carole's birthday today and in a rash moment I'd said I would make her a birthday cake and take it round this afternoon. I didn't have any flour. I didn't have any eggs. I didn't have much time.

A quick trip to the shop and I was then busy in the kitchen. It is quick to mix, relatively quick to bake, but oh my, it takes forever to cool down. Time was running out as Pat was going to pick me up so I made some buttercream and put it all together. I stuck the letter candles in and went out to meet Pat. The blinking sponge was still warm and the top slid gracefully off in the box. A bit of gentle tilting and it looked respectable. When we arrived at Carole's I handed the box to Pat as I got out of the car and she nearly dropped it....

Carole put the kettle on and we lit the candles. Thirteen candles make a lot of smoke and Rhys had to run to cover the smoke alarm as it is linked directly to the fire brigade ha ha ha. I have to say it tasted delicious and everyone tucked in.

I bought Photoshop Elements 12 last night online and as it said it would take hours to download I left it trickling away over night. Sadly it is one of those damned programmes that only downloads whilst the computer is live. Every time it went into standby it stopped...aaargh. I have spent the last three hours keeping it going and watching it count down...it was like watching paint dry. Anyway it is done now...hurrah!

I just need to finish off my short story for the writing group tomorrow now.

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