
over the that gorgeous, wealthy man, the big pot of gold and the exciting new job!

I had to get up early this morning to finish off my short story. Considering it was a last minute write I was actually quite pleased with it...and more importantly it went down well at the writing group. I am so glad I joined as it has really sparked my imagination and motivated me to be more creative. The elusive Peter was at the meeting so I met him for the first time today. Kate had emailed him last week so that he knew what to write about. She had told him about the short story that started with a proverb or his other option was to write a short piece on vajazzalling.

As I had discombobulated Sylvia and Janet last week with my story that played on the word vajazzle she included it in the email as a joke. Peter hadn't heard of it and he told us that he had undertaken some serious research and written his story on it. Well it was hilarious, I am so glad I have managed to lower the tones of the group.

I left the group and headed to the Trafford Centre to meet up with Catherine for lunch. Poor old Debbie wasn't feeling well and couldn't make it. Flipping half term meant that I had drive around a bit to find a decent parking space and then we had to queue up to get something to eat. We had a good catch up. I had told Debbie that she should try and join us as a good old bitchy session and a gossip with the girls is a great cure for a bad time D :))

As I drove home over the swing bridge it started to rain and the sky darkened. Then a gorgeous double rainbow emerged, it was now or never. I pulled in and took a few shots across the canal.

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