Rodents rule

By squirk

A hop up the hill

I almost stood on this beauty! Usually when I spy a lump on the pavement, it's poo. I saw a dark shape on the drain and thought "eurgh, almost", then did a double-take. The poo was rather more colourful that usual (not that I examine poo too closely). This frog wasn't moving for anyone. I wondered that it's not long out of hibernation. Omar the tortoise came out of her winter sleep this week, too.

This evening's venue was the Old Vic to see Fortune's Fool - a comedy set in 19th-century Russia. It was intriguing and fairly rolicked along. My FEASTie friend and I had different opinions on the ending - I think she may be right. I appear to be more cynical. Thanks, Sophie, for asking me along.

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