
Tiny Tussock reporting

Actually the hill behind Lowburn on the Wanaka Cromwell highway and the view that we encountered after dropping Big T off at THC…(Tussocks Holiday Camp) this afternoon.

After being bored barkless all day, boy was she pleased to be there.

The Boss is going North to attend a very important occasion on his social calendar and get his last years Birthday pressie at the same time.
The Dr Who 50th anniversary stage spectacular, complete with all his friends, and I have suggested he keep his head down ‘Cos I really don’t want him exterminated by accident. I am not sure if I will be attending this shindig as small stuffed dogs may not be allowed but I will demand freedom of the press and see if that works. I wonder if K9 will be there. There was a dog that always knew his place….Master…

That is an interesting word “Shindig” and the website “World Wide Words” places it’s origin as first appearing in the “Idaho Statesman” of 30 October 1871 which was a long time before Dr Who appeared on the BBC but we do have to remember that being a time traveller he may well have had something to do with it back then having been involved in shindigs for a long time. The appearance of the Tardis in a dusty street in Idaho may well have set one off.

Well I better go and pack my flash drive.

Bigger Shindig

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