Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Wiffle, waffle, tittle, tattle....

"Oooooh she didn't!?"
"Well, so and so told thingamebob that she was told that she thought she had!"

On the street, in the newspapers, gossip and doom saying. Nonsense and, not to put too fine a note on it, bollocks! People are sooooo caught up in the own trauma and dilemma, paranoid tendencies and delusions that the wonder of it all escapes them....wood for the trees kind of thing! Watching a scene unfold this morning, where ordinary people were getting their knickers in a right old twist, had me shaking my head. The worlds gone mad! All those individual agendas hanging off their sleeves made a tremendous racket as arms were waved around in panic and drama....silly sods!

Enough to say that I need to get away for a bit....mountains and solitude (with my most excellent constant companion...wifey), peace and quiet..oh yes indeed!

Although I love a party (got one tomorrow night!) I frankly reject my invitation to the Mad hatters.....anyway, it seems to me that it's packed already!


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