Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Feeling alive!

The dawn brought a smile with it as if it new my mood. Out from Ely and the view across the fen was stunning. The trees, lonely and statuesque, cast black hole shadows. The road was empty and enchanting because of it.

The glamour cast upon the air was tangible, solid and yet ethereal. I spent much time wandering around the deserted Cambridge streets, a lonely little figure amongst the hulking shoulders of aged and wise edifices.

It is a thankful goodbye to a friends house tonight...a house which has seen many wonderful times, sad times, quiet times and most of all.....time in the embrace of loved and adored friends...these places hear and store our laughter, tears and in simple bricks and mortar hold us to this place. So a get together is's going to get messy!

Goodness knows what state my molecules will be in tomorrow!

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