
By angrymidget73

Traveling home :)

I've escaped!!! Hurrah!!! I'm going home. Procedure still hasn't been done but they can't do it in the next couple of days so I've convinced them to let me out with the promise that I'll behave and not over do anything and if it gets worse or changes I'll come back. I had a suspected incarcerated hernia (after two repairs) this has caused some concern to the surgeons as I've got another op coming up and they didn't want it interfering with that procedure. I've had ct scans done and all manor or prodding and poking done over the last 3 days and now they've decided that it's actually a reaction to the previous op and the method they used has caused a problem. They are now going to try draining off what they think is actually an infection deep under the skin but I need another scan to help them insert the drain in the right place (gruesome!) they didn't have the resources for this at the time and can't get me in today or tomorrow so I'm now waiting for an appt to go back another time. My dad has been my rock along with the bf, my mum fact the whole family!!! I've never felt so relieved to be home!! Sorry for not replying to your comments or for commenting on your post recently. Normal service will resume shorty :)

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