Happy day

I had a great night sleep last night. So I woke up all excited and ready to play. Another tasty breakfast of chocolate toast, banana, yogurt and milk.

We then went out for the weekly shop. Mummy had come prepared with snacks so I enjoyed it. Mini roll, carrot bar and water, I was kept busy while mummy shopped.

Once home we played before lunch. I didn't want my nap this afternoon. Eventually I cuddled up with her to have a quick snooze.

I had great fun at dinner time. Daddy was home, so he fed me. I had cheesy pasta then one of mummy's yogurts. My tummy was very full.

I had fun playing with everyone before bed. I was dancing and jumping. Eventually I was ready for bed, so got daddy a fresh nappy to put on me. Gave everyone kisses and said bye. Well I want to go play with the fairies.

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