Missed a bit.....where?

I was super fast at getting ready this morning. So much so mummy and I had time to watch cartoons before I went to my childminders. It was lovely getting cuddles with mummy.

Once at my childminders, I knocked on her door then shouted hello. I was very excited to see all my friends. Today we baked, played and had a mini disco. I helped tidy up and got the changing mat out when I needed changed.

Mummy came to pick me up and I gave her lovely cuddles. We got home and I helped put my bottles in the sink, picked my yogurt out of the fridge and pointed to my bottle for juice. I then fed myself my dinner, I am getting better but seemingly missed a bit. Mmmm

I was just out of the bath when grandma phoned from holiday. I ran in to speak to her, forgetting I was naked, grandma laughed but chatted to me. Just as well we can't get the face time working,.... I gave grandma kisses and told her about my day. She said she was having a great time and that she will see me at the weekend.

So for now its off to bed, I am very tired after my busy day. Tomorrow I am at home with mummy and my brother and sister. Oh I wonder what we will get up to? Night night.

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