Ma & Pa.....Here it all began

....You have heard a lot about my Ma and Pa.......I have posted a few current pics but today...I found this .......a pic of them before my brothers and I were a twinkle in their eyes.
A handsome couple fact when I look at pics of Dad and then of myself at that's true...we are like two peas in a pod......Some say we still are....he looks older of course.....always.

Today has been a bit of a non event...staying close to home again after a big day up the coast yesterday....and feeling a bit worse for wear........the little man has brought home a bit of a lurgy which we all have.........not bad but just enough to want to go back to bed early.......

It really has been a bit of a roller coaster ride this year already.....however I am not fact rather thankful for everything right now.

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings,
turn routine jobs into joy,
and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” —”
― William Arthur Ward

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