
By Jamjar

Almond blossom

Very few of the many almond trees around our way are blossoming yet, in contrast to those we saw on the way to Tortosa the other day which were all flowering and were an absolute picture! Unfortunately I was driving and there was nowhere to stop. The temperatures are set to drop in the next few days though so it's just as well the local blossom's a bit behind. It's also about ten days behind last year.

No Catalan conversation in the valley this morning so it's a not do very much day, which is what Steve's supposed to be doing for a couple of weeks anyway. Yesterday I watched the village nurse wash and dress Steve's stitches, which look clean and dry thank goodness, and this morning I must go and buy some more sterile cotton pads so I can carry on with the washing and wiping... and some blue cheese to go in the broccoli soup as it seems to be lacking something.

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