at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

tummy button!

wanted to get a picture of ivy's navel this morning to show sympathy for her pops who was in hospital yesterday having a hernia fixed and said before he went in they might take his navel away. The more I think about it the more I think we should all have our tummy buttons removed as a matter of course- I don't know about you, but mine serves no other purpose than as a spot for gathering dust. It was a definite pro of being pregnant when it popped out so I could give it a good clean....

I know this is technically not a very good picture, but the motion blur sums up Ivy just now I think. She likes to grab things and wave them about frantically. This morning I was watching her do it with a toy, so enthusiastically she didn't even notice when the toy fell out of her hand (and ended up a fair distance away)

She's been for her immunisations this morning. She cried for all of 30 seconds when the needles went in and then went back to examining her notes to check dr locum had filled them in right :)

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