All Snowyed Out

In another day of AOG competition (the Alternative Olympic Games)...someone is not happy. The one not happy is the snowy egret to the far right.

Her name is Ashley...Ashley Wagner. Of the USA. She had just finished seventh in the ladies ice skating contest. She didn't want to talk, but I bribed her with a small fish. She opened up.

"How can 2 birds finish ahead of me that fell on their back feathers? HOW...ANSWER ME...HOW??" She stammered on. "That short little Russian bird fell twice...during both the short and the long programs. AND...SHE FINISHED FIFTH!! I DIDN'T FALL ONCE. AND I'M SEVENTH??" She stopped short of calling the judges "homers", but I think she wanted to.

I started to walk away. "WAIT...I'M NOT FINISHED!! Look at the skater to my far right. She's about ready to buy it. Terrible form...just terrible!!" about the middle picture. COULD SHE HAVE ANY MORE HAIRS OUT OF PLACE?? It almost makes me embarrassed to say I'm a part of the sport."

"I hate to ask...but...are you sticking around for the closing ceremonies?"


I wasted most of my day watching the U.S. hockey team lose to Canada. By the time I got out to the ocean, it was raining...and not much good for taking pictures.

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