
By hildasrose

South Stack

This is the lighthouse off the west coast of Anglesey. It was a lovely morning while we were there but very windy and very cold. My ears were really aching by the time we got back to the RSPB cafe. There are about 400 steps down to the lighthouse and it wasn't open today so we just viewed from afar. From where this image was taken there was a very steep drop - hence the dangerous cliffs - and about 400 yards of rough sea. There was a group of people with a dog on the cliffs with us and I was very worried that the dog might get blown off the cliff edge - he was very close and not on his lead at all.

The boat in the background is the Holyhead to Dublin ferry. Bet that was a rough crossing today!

I hoped to get some bird blips today but we haven't seen many at all - a couple of mini murmurations, a few gulls but nothing else. Maybe it's been too windy.

Another night here then home tomorrow afternoon.

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