The Glass and Mirror Seller

At times like these I wish for more than my limited social hindi. We sat together in the sun watching the elephants and camels pass by and Ushi told me she had no children but the shop selling window glass and mirrors was hers since her parents had died.

I had gone to see the new village where the Amer fort elephants will all live but they were mostly out working and the one that remained was shackled on 3 legs because it was in musth and not a happy fellow. There was no bathing and the few elephants that came home after working were so spaced apart in their new accommodation there was no communication or herding as there would be in the wild. Decided to try and walk back which is when I me Ushi and got inveigled into an orchard to help a family hook down rather tasty fruits from their trees. The old grandmother grabbed my arm when I tried to leave and insisted I gave each of the children a present of a coin and Rs10 to the smallest before she would let me go and I have a large bruise on my arm to testify! It was hot so I caught an overloaded bus back and had to stand for a while before a perching seat became available and they were so narrow and sloping every time the driver braked we all slid to the edges and had to shuffle bottoms backwards and up again.

Got off at the Hawa Mahal (the Wind Palace) and stood for 8 minutes just taking photos of passing things in one spot – took 25 and kept 17 – and then walked along the pavement and round into the saree bazaar as it looked as if it would rain (it did). People were pushing and shoving in the lanes and there was so much colour. Spent a little time choosing some tie-dye material and when I emerged it was dark but dry. Lovely to be able to eat normal food again – feeling good.

elephants, camels and colour

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