
By angrymidget73

A rare thing!

........ He that is the teenager and bf laughing at something or other!! I suspect it was actually male bonding over the local lassies congregating at the bus stop!!! Makes a lovely change from the locking horns in the battle for alpha male!! I think this may actually be the right of passage to adulthood I never experienced being female!!! Do all species fight at some stage for dominance ?!?! Lol

This was actually taken yesterday but for some reason my blip for Friday was dated for Saturday and I don't know how, or if I can change it. So today is a double blip! Saturday was a lovely day spent with the kids doing fun if not gentle stuff! We decided to treat the kids to a movie and McDonalds. So off we trotted into town and stuffed our faces with all that is unhealthy and went to watch the Lego Movie. I will confess that I may have watched some of it from behind my eyelids but I'm assuming that may have something to do with the new medication combination I'm on and not a reflection on the film! We then popped into see my parents on our way home. Mostly to assure my dad that I'm doing ok! We got home and had bacon sandwiches for tea and snuggled on the sofa for plenty of kisses and cuddles before bed!

I'm definitely starting to get my positivity back, reflection is a wonderful tool when your feeling sorry for yourself!!! I've got an amazing family, wonderful friends, a roof over my head, food in the cupboards and I have love in my life so it isn't so bad!!

Sadly, I won't be able to have Lou Lou bum anymore as my health just doesn't permit it :( but I'm close to my brother so it's not like I'm not going to see them anymore! In fact in going over there today (Sunday) I can't believe it's been two weeks since I've seen them :( time really does fly!! It's a little sad because she has only just learnt my name! I've gone from mum to Angie!! So we won't be having any adventures for a while but at least it's not forever!

I've just put a leg of lamb in the oven for our dinner and we are having a big end of half term dinner with all the trimming :) the kids are back to school tomorrow so it'll be bathing and packing school bags and lunches and early nights all round.

Hope your all having a super Sunday :) thanks for passing by :) x

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