Gone With the Wind

This is the best of a bad lot of pics, but frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!

Jude decided she was going on a mammoth walk to Pennington Flash this morning, as I'm still a cripple I went there in the car. I went earlier than we had arranged as I decided to take some pics of the seagulls doing their acrobatics. They were having a fabulous time hovering on the gusts and swooping for the never ending supply of bread that was tossed to them. I'd taken some with me but the wind was blowing towards me and the first handful I chucked blew back into my face. I tried to throw between gusts but another handful swirled round and splattered a man who was fortunately busily engaged with his toddler, his wife noticed and as I looked apologetic she smirked and we both enjoyed a silent giggle.

Jude sent a couple of texts to say she was lost in Leigh and was hopefully heading in the right direction, she did eventually arrive and so we headed to the Victorian Teashop in Culcheth for a cuppa and a sandwich. Once fortified we went to Aldi because we just know how to have a good time ha ha ha.

Well I will try to take a better photo tomorrow...after all tomorrow is another day!

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