Stuff I've Seen & That

By trevtrev72

Angel platform

This is a massively long tube platform. Not hugely inspiring but aye.

Today was seriously bad. I showed everything I'd done this morning and that was good, seemingly I had some good ideas, but then I was told to drop that and try and come up with new ideas. Everything I did was shocking, seriously bad I knew it the designers in the room knew it and so did the director. I felt really bad.

I debated even writing this down. But decided to so I can look back, hopefully, one day in a much better place and see how far I've come.

Also had to put off my favourite studio to come in sooner because its likely to clash. Balancing placements is tough. Though I think I've made the right decision. I'll have more experience and hopefully I can make a great impression because of it.

Did come home to find the rugby on so that was good.

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