
By wildinlailand

Barney Bodge It

On wild and wet days Mrs Wild always has a list of jobs for me to do. One was to replace the towel rail in the kitchen that I was blamed for breaking (allegedly)just because it came away in my hand. On inspection it was all down to metal fatigue. having done the jobs on list I decided to tackle replacing the rotten boards on my garage door. However, on inspection the bottom rail wast partly rotten too. My late dad always said 'If a jobs worth doing its worth doing properly' so I made a two hour job into a five hour job. My dad was a joiner and although he taught me how to handle carpentry tools I never matched his skill levels and he would always call me a bit of a wood butcher. I think the finished item today would pass his test.

PS for all blippers who are carpenters I know this is the wrong way to fit the new boards. This was a set up shot. I did spring them in and then nailed them up.

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