Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Just a Rose

The focus could have been better.
But the rose, it was perfect.

My emotions have been crazy today. I am and my colleagues are dealing with Wednesday's sudden death of a colleague who taught in the English dept. and I'm realizing that I haven't even written about Michael's death in any of my blips yet. I was notified about his death mid-Thursday right after I had completed my morning of teaching. The announcement knocked the wind out of me. Mike was hired the same year that I was. We have taught together for most of the 23 years that we have both been at the college.

Then later in that same afternoon the announcement came about Dr. Sam Huang. He was a wonderful man and a fabulous professor. I think I learned more about teaching by being a student in his class than possibly any other class taught me about teaching. He made a permanent impression on me.

This rose bush continues to produce little spots of beauty in and amongst the thorns. We rarely fertilize the plant, and we haven't pruned it in quite a long time, but look at that flower. It thrives.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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