50 Sheds of Grey

Technique challenge - nighttime.

This was actually my first attempt at light paining. 30 second exposure and me running around like a lunatic shining the torch on the shed. Unfortunately, the battery in the torch ran out after just 2 attempts and it is not what I had visualised, so I'm going to do it again later this week and use this as my nighttime entry in the challenge.

Very busy week at work this week. 2 day face to face meeting with the team which will be long and arduous. Still, a nice meal out together on the Tuesday evening. I have chosen the restaurant, so no pressure there.

No badminton this week or next. Some newbies have started playing at the same time as us and keep booking the court before us. Such a shortage of badminton courts in Luton. Amazingly, when they built the new sports centre 18 months ago, they halved the number of courts and now it is almost impossible to get one except off peak which is not going to be any good to us for at least another 12 years, which god willing, is when we can all retire. Of course by then, we will be too old and infirm to play!

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