Sunday morning

Sometimes weekdays are for catching up on lost sleep. Sometimes lost sleep is permanently lost.

The day began early again. I would recommend Brahms as accompaniment for beautiful sunrises. Decided not to take too many lame shots. I just stood and watched as the sun rose above the clouds,like a boiling yolk freeing itself from the clouds' grip. It was quite spectacular.

For some reason, I felt it would be a good idea to take some flower photos too. Perhaps it was the music that influenced me to think that way.

The mist ran away almost like a thief as the sun made it's presence felt. We could have stayed awhile longer to capture a few silhouettes against the blurriness. But my co-photographers weren't too keen on things that moved, so had time to join Ashayein Foundation along with Adda who were visiting a centre for HIV positive children/orphans to sponsor and serve them breakfast.

They was a bunch of enthusiastic, talented and happy children. If there's one thing I am quite convinced about after today's experience: it's that these children give us far more than we could give them. One doesn't mind the industrial waste in the air, the dust, smoke, the scorching mid-day sun, because being with them gives a chance to be one of them too. And sometimes that becomes far more important.

The rest of today's photographs from which I had a hard time choosing can be found here.

P.S - The yellow light in the shot is the harsh sun partially filtered through a translucent yellow roof.

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