Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Spot The Roo???

Weather wise it's been an ok day, got a few jobs done and then took Roo out for a short walk over The Green, this is the village green and we over look it, from our window you see the village hall and then the church beyond, but sadly Waitrose have there beady eyes on the land and so things maybe changing.

During the stormy weather a big tree came down on a Saturday evening, falling across the pathway. But the next day I saw a guy out there with a chainsaw and his van chopping up the fallen tree, how wonderful I thought the council worrying how we are going to walk over The Green in safety...

But no it wasn't the council it was just some guy with a chainsaw, van and obviously a real fire!!!!!

So weeks later this is whats left awaiting the council to come and remove it.

I think it shows just how small Roo is with the cars in the background.

It's a great adventure for Roo as well as I'm sure there must be mice living in the remains.

I'm off out tonight so early blip.

Hope you all have a good evening.

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