Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

One week to go!

Well Roo has just one week to go now until Crufts,trouble is today I think the signs of spring have made him into a little terror!!

We walked on one of our usual treks, down past the church and through a some what muddy gateway, at this point I tend to pick Roo up to save him going belly deep in mud, but today when I called him he would walk up to me wait for me to bend down then run away as if to say come on chase me!!! Eventually I caught him and we got into the next field, down he went then decided it would be fun to chase Theo, then it was time to run round in circles, this was his favourite puppy game, he runs round really fast then changes direction and runs the other way.

Let's hope he chills abit for Crufts as he's meeting the people of the dogs monthly magazine, along with the yours magazine and he's ment to be an ambassador for pets as therapy!!!

They say your like your dog, and I've always been a rebel!!!!!

Stay calm Roo
Your a PAT dog!

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