
By LaKwAtSeRa

Campaign posters...

This is in no way a campaign for any of the candidates whose names appear on this photo. I just wanted to say something about the kind of campaign this university does over the ones i am used to back home. For one, they use recycled, unexpensive materials for campaign paraphernalia. Secondly, all candidates are independent candidates and are not associated with any running party. Thirdly, there are no photos in campaign posters (except for a few flyers that has their agenda for running). There could be some more points that differ largely from how campaigns are run in the Phils but these are the most obvious i would say.

I dont remember ever voting for Uni elections since i got here in Warwick (but i remember being approached by a candidate while i was having a soup at the Arts Centre two years ago ). And i have never really seen the faces of the officers until i see their photos shown in the atrium or SUHQ. But today i got to see the Welfare and Campaigns candidate. She was in front of me in a queue at Costcutter. I knew she was Bebe because somebody called out her name and asked about how the campaign was going. Oh well, good luck to all of them.

Research is going slow because the queue for running jobs is too long. What's good about today is that I got my access to 'godzilla' installed again. Never again will i run jobs in the login nodes!

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