With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Mum and I raced through the co-operativa to watch the latest lot of olives being crushed, delighted in the little shop and then suffered the starker reality of the local supermarket.

We raced back again to make sandwiches and picked up the boys + 1, and down to the port for a picnic on the beach. Sorry everyone, but it is a spectacular day.

The helicopters were (I hope) practising scooping up sea water from beyond the bay and dumping it somewhere behind a hill. And as if that wasn't enough excitement, this very knowledgable German resident was swimming with the octopi. He showed us this beautiful creature, I actually held it, it was amazing, like having little kisses all over your arm! I couldn't quite get the shot I wanted, but we had to get it back in the water, where it instantly changed colour to a speckled blue green grey and spurted off.

I apologise to the classroom teachers, where little pools of sand will be gathering on the floor as we speak.

Pop is Mallorquin for octopus, pulpo in Castellano. Sadly very delicious, but not eaten as much here as in Galicia, where some restaurants serve nothing else. Tastes better there, and I will as always, think twice about ordering it.

Hopefully this looks good in big.

Happy Monday everyone :)

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