With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


A no teaching day. Took mum up to the capeletta I visited earlier. (The link is
here, but you have to look up the blog link) Mrs Pepperpot insisted on eating the arbutus (Strawberry tree) fruit. They look lovely, but are so full of pips it's not worth it. Says me anyway.

We then drove through Sa Figuera, a valley between Soller and the Port, with terraces, lovely fincas and little oliveras. I found a casita here, with these interesting sculptures, bits of boat and other evidence of creative activity. I could hear tinkering going on, but I didn't quite have the nerve to disturb them. I will try to find out who the artist is though. Look on big to see the material.

After an excellent value menu from Can Lluis, we have retired to the terrace for a read and relax before I have to meet Ben's tutor for our yearly chat and then the inevitable football. Not such a blue sky today, but very warm.

1 There was a fire yesterday, it wasn't a practice, but couldn't see any evidence. Don't think it was too serious.
2. Forgot to check the other lottery ticket I bought last Friday. We won! Well 6 Euros, enough to buy two more tickets on Friday :)

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