Mmmm doing well...

...this week, another blip with the wee fella with his nose in technology:-(

Another split day with it starting in Stirling, then to Glasgow, then back to Stirling for a meeting with the local group in the evening, which was the most productive part of my day.

Starting in Stirling allowed me to walk wee fella to school. Nice bright morning...wee fella asked if it was Spring...said to him that we better not get too excited;-)

Home later, Mr R and I passed in doorway as he went to collect Rooster from cubs. Pulled the laptop out as I ate dinner. Wee fella on the laptop across from me playing a Steve Backshall game on the CBBC site. He got quite excited at one of the creepy crawlies and shouted me round to have a look...I was impressed with his skills at taking said creepy crawlies photo. Es beside me painting her nails...again! The Buncle on the iPad. He did make me laugh when I came in...he asked how my day had been...there was a 30s pause...and then he asked for the iPad.

Far too late putting the light out and as I was turning out the light I remembered my bank card is still missing...must do something about that tomorrow!

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