
By Houseonahill6

Tequilla sunrise

A super sunrise this morning but the dark clouds did bring a few hours of rain. The day brightened up later and was sunny and bright.

Luckily the rain had stopped before I had to walk down the hill to the doctors. Probably was nt a good idea as my blood pressure was sky high, over 200 in fact. I thought the nurse was going to send for an ambulance but with the second take it was lower. So now have to take my blood pressure every morning and night for the next week. It's aways much lower at home.

After having my bloods taken I went for a walk around the town and down to see what the tide was doing at the harbour. It was in and the wind was whipping a cross the cliffs but I did stop for a rest on the bench and enjoyed the view.
The snowdrops, aconites and crocus were out by the church looking very pretty.
Walked back up the hill and now have a headache :(

looks like it's going to be a clear night so look forward to seeing the stars !

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