
By stellarossa


I haven't had the heart to blip this past week. Sadness about Josie's death, merged with trying to help care for my friend L who is in a similar position and took a turn for the worse last week. Different people pop in every day so somehow we hadn't realised that she's hardly been eating or drinking. She was barely able to move and clearly suffering. On Monday the Macmillan nurse took one look at her and called an ambulance and so she's back on the oncology ward and we are all a bit stunned that it got bad so quickly and none of us realised.

On a drip and with specialist care she's starting to rally a bit. Hopefully there will be a bed available in the hospice soon.

Tom's knee operation continues to be an issue. I finally got through to the hospital after being passed around from one department to the other until I practically begged them to help me. My GP says their new system is a nightmare, almost impossible to get an appointment. Finally we managed to get a cancellation in 2 weeks but that is only the first assessment, he then has to meet the surgical team, the wait for that being about 9 weeks, and then there's an 18 week wait for the operation. Once done 6 weeks recovery…. it will be a long long time before he's in a boat again… eight months or so.

In the private hospital we can have the whole thing done in 3 weeks. So raising the money to go private it is.

Then Tom gave me a big hug, and we watched the Simpsons and ate crisps and remembered all the good things in life.

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