Life to the full75

By Lifetofull

Well deserved!

An evening beyond all! Music group was fun this morning, there is a definite divide between groups, group 1 seems to be toddler biased and group 2 babes. Wasn't my original intention as I think the older ones model for the littler ones but it does give a more relaxed feel I think.
Lunch was the usual wonderful affair and then I did 2 lessons, lots of fun.
After school... here we go 3 lessons taking me to 5:45, next lesson 6:30 having sorted tea and got E ready for Guides. Out for parent/carer choir at school 7:15, when that finished at 8:30 I looked forward to sitting and doing some knitting for my beautiful niece but when I got in I was reminded that I was supposed to be at OYC committee meeting, well I was only 10 minutes late! That finished at 10:31 and I am now done in!

Definitely have not been able to sit quiet and be contemplative today but actually today's study was so encouraging it was about the woman at the well and Jesus telling her that that He could give her living water. The study was telling me to spend time quiet and I love that idea, one day I will be in a season of life where that will be possible but what God was asking me was Where do I get my strength and resources from? Do I keep going back to Him, do I fill my life with distractions and try and resource myself? So pleased God knows my heart.

For the Samaritan woman, Jesus opens up a whole new vision of possibility: ‘Bring your heart’s longings to me,’ he invites her, ‘and you will find a source of love and joy and peace that will never fail you.’

Hoping tomorrow will be a bit calmer!

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