Life to the full75

By Lifetofull

Project for T

When H was born I knitted a sleeping bag thing for him, it was a pea green colour and made him look like a poddington pea. It lasted all of a month I think which was very disappointing since it definitely took longer to knit than that. I have vowed off clothes since, (though I am supposed to be knitting a top for E) so I decided to knit T a blanket. Thing is I get bored quite quickly so I have decided that this blanket will be made of lots of differently knitted squares. It will probable take me an age but as you can see I have made a start.

I have been incredibly tired and emotional today so actually although it is only 8 I am going to bed.

Today's study was probably my least favourite story in the Bible (am I allowed to say that). The Mary and Martha story really winds me up, everyone is so congratulatory of Mary, "she got it right, well done". But actually I believe God made me a Martha, busy and wanting to do for Him and others have I got it wrong. But what the study said was God needs Martha's with a heart to grow deeper into relationship with Him like Mary. Ok so that's what I want to be...

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