...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Monday Monday

Manic Monday, however you dice it, I walk up to my desk at 6:50 am and I am greeted by a pile of work. This would be in addition to my regular tasks of the day. I think the funny...ha ha, part of this that is I thought that would be my first option for my pix of the day. So I grab my little red friend and lo and behold my camera shoots that shot, informs me that my battery is low and promptly shuts off. "Hey wait a minute, I have the whole day to go, this can't be the end."

But it was. And the day progressed, without my trusty camera. So this is what 'you guys' ended up with.

The good news, I won a random drawing in our Fall Fitness Challenge....I hope is it a traveling battery charger. I could really use that!!! But I know it is like a jump rope or something healthy!!!

Happy Monday... :]

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