Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Small yet perfectly formed.

It was lovely to see the sun shining today and once I managed to get the shot I was looking for, it would be time to head out and enjoy some of it - but before that, I wanted to get a shot of the flowers that my wife has on display in our living room.

I considered a shot that included all of them, then decided to get the macro lens out and focus in on one of the tulips - used the sun and a little bit of fill in flash to illuminate the area and .........the image you see before you.

One of the nice things about using a macro lens is that you can get close up detail on just a small point of the image - using a technique called "focus stacking" then the sharpness remains thru the whole of the image (will try that sometime once I get my hands on some suitable software) - but for now I will focus on the stamen of the flower.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your day - and may you take time to see the beauty that surrounds you - even in the smallest of things...

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