Wrecked! I've been hurtling around west Cork delivering the new card order; so complicated to remember who's had what and who owes what; yes I do write it down but nonetheless! Anyway purchases were made, coffees drunk and I picked up an order for a framed print that's going to San Fransisco for a wedding present - the pressure! The stray polybags and envelopes have also arrived so all's good.
A bit of all kinds of weather going on - this was the view from the top of the Goat's Path. There was vertical hail going on at the same time and you can just see Adrigole emerging from the downpour on the other side. Easy to imagine,as the Vikings did, that the rainbow (Bifröst) connected the world of men (Midgard) with the world of the Gods ( Asgard).
In Rainbows
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