Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

The Heavens declare the Glory of God

Well, what a treat tonight.

The Northern Lights! Not as glorious as I have seen them in the past, but still majestic and awesome in their wonder and beauty and subtlety - like memories playing across your mind, whispered hints of things unknown and yet just on the edge of existence.

It's like looking into a half remembered world - and wishing you could lose yourself in it.

I've always been just blown away by the sheer splendour of the night sky. Millions and millions of stars, thrown out over space over distances that are just utterly mind boggling. Just think of it. A light year - the distance that light travels in one whole year, travelling at 186,282 miles PER SECOND.

I feel my brain shutting down at the thought of it. Our nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is 4.24 light years away!

Some things we just can't get our heads round. I love knowledge, but there is an end to knowledge, and I am convinced that there are things unseen and unspoken of which are so glorious that we aren't capable of really taking them in - not yet anyway. So they remain hidden to us, exposed only by the occasional glimpse or hint or suggestion of something beyond.

Those moments are like whispers of eternity.

When my mind is troubled or can't comprehend things, or is just muddled and confused and getting no answers, I get comfort and peace from these words.

" Not a proud heart, not a proud eye...
No concern for things too great for me...
I have stilled my soul... like a well fed child.."

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