
By SilverImages

Hip replacement Sir?

No, it's not a prosthetic hip. Just reminded me of one when I saw it.

I called in to gat a quote to install some blinds in my studio, thought I'd be able to get some from a local blinds supplier. My mistake. So I called in to this small business locally and the guy was on the phone when I wandered in to his showroom. I had a mooch around and saw these finials and other bits and bobs for curtains and blinds and that was it. The guy must have wondered what was going on as I did a U-turn and went back to the car to get my camera. Explained to him what I was up to, after discussing blinds which he wasn't able to supply. He was happy for me to wander around and get my shot for the day - probably spent longer getting the shot than I did discussing blinds.

Rest of the day went downhill from there!

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