Morning glory
The Ards Man headed out into the garden this morning to try to take some photos of two little chaffinches at the bird feeder. No joy with that, but he did take this lovely shot! So in thanks for his great present (new camera) I have uploaded his photo for my blip today.
I am so sorry I missed the Northern Lights last night! Though I am delighted that a few of my pupils did get to see them. I 'm going to look out tonight, just in case. I have seen the NL from my back garden previously, about 10 years ago. I got a phone call after 11pm when I was already asleep in bed and was a bit cross by the interruption. When I found out it was an 'aurora alert' I was up and out in my PJs in a flash!
Good luck if you are in the far north of Scotland - you may get a glimpse of those ethereal curtains of light .....
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